We don’t need no Aid(s)!

The other while on site walk with a colleague, we came across something odd. Some sort of performance at the entrance of our site. Initially I just thought it was some local performance group garnering attention for their cultural association or group. There were guys playing drums and some dancing…

Fighting Aids…

However just as I was about to leave, they suddenly stopped and started performing (impromptu theatre). So I stayed just to see what this was about. Well, turns out I was wrong thinking it was merely a publicity stunt.

It is HIV/Aids awareness week here at work and the comedic performance I was witnessing was a little play to spread some awareness on HIV/Aids. Considering that Mozambique ranks number 8 in the HIV/Aids prevalence rate, these initiatives are very necessary and import to combating the disease.

The performance was interesting as it was dispelling HIV/Aids and at the same time advising  people about prevention. One of the important points that I got from the performance was the emphasis that HIV/Aids is not necessarily a death sentence and that people with HIV/Aids can still contribute to society.

Here’s a little clip (In Portuguese) from the performance by the Grupo Cultural Nfuma ya Moçambique. And remember folks, keep it safe, use a condom and stay alive.

For more info see the following website


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